Thursday, January 1, 2009

And here come the lbs....

And no, not linebackers. I have been doing pretty well on a better diet and better exercise since the beginning of the Christmas holidays. I have lost about six lbs over that time. I need to lost another 40 lbs before I can use the Wii fit with Anna. She seems to be liking that a lot. Anyway, I have been doing some great workouts, which seem to be doing wonders to my metabolism. No more recumbent bike for me..not a good enough workout. Anyway, I'll post more often now things are rolling. We had a great Christmas. All around fantastic time...although at the end of it, it was a little creepy that we saw six movies!!! Ave Maria!!! Anyway, Happy freaking New Year. Oh, stupid thing happened. Our Malibu didn't pass the safety test for registration. I get a big back notice back saying REJECTED!!! I felt like those pictures where people put fail on the bottom of them. I was pretty ticked.. Maybe we'll get a new car as we are tired of all of the small repairs over the past eight years.


Jules AF said...

You have to lose 40 pounds before you can do the Wii Fit? Why?

Jacob said...

It's called a fat person weight limit. Damn Nintendo discriminates against fat people.

Shewi128 said...

I haven't tried Wii Fit, but using that balance board for games is really fun. Good luck Jakes.